Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Donations for Agii and Aiman

Hey friends and family, faithful readers, etc.,

I'm writing another quick post, not to be a nag, but just to see if anyone is still interested in donating to help out my friend Agii, his sister Aiman, and their family. I am waiting on a couple transfers this week and will be transferring the money to Mongolia by no later than next week, hopefully. I want to do it all in one big transfer, to make sure we're paying the minimum in fees for the transfer/ATM withdrawal, etc. I'm waiting to hear back from Agii on the results of the procedure and I will send an update email, write a FB note and will update the blog as soon as I know more.

If you are still interested in donating, please let me know through a message on Facebook or an email ( little bit helps and thank you very much to those who have donated already. We've raised a little over six hundred dollars so far and while in the grand scheme of things it doesn't seem like much, every little bit we can get to help them out will make a difference. Unforeseen medical emergencies can bankrupt Americans very easily so I'm sure you can imagine what kind of stress and financial hardships this could bring to someone in Mongolia, with very limited access to affordable, quality medical care and significantly lower working wages. Thanks for your time.

New posts to come very soon, along with some new pictures!

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