Monday, March 15, 2010

Kazakh Wedding Music

Laura and I made a brief appearance at a local wedding on Sunday, the groom being the brother of our friend Armana, who's in town for a few weeks with her husband Joe and daughter Leila. Joe lived in Ulaanbaatar for three years as a math teacher and Armana, who is from Olgii, also worked there, when they met. They were married in 2008 and lived in Olgii for half a year, where Laura and I became good friends with them. They went to the U.S. for Armana to have the baby and Joe has been a grad student at Harvard for the past year. It was really nice to see them again after over a year and we're hoping to spend some more time with them this week.

I recorded a short video of the wedding song, check it out. :)

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