Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hovd, Thanksgiving Dinner, the Journey Back to Olgii, and Back to Teaching

Thanksgiving dinner was really delicious and we were fortunate to have more than enough food. We had a couple of chickens, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits, pumpkin bread, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mac and cheese, chili, carrots, and even some Korean food. We also had a plethora of pies :) including cherry, pumpkin, and pecan. There was enough for everyone, the Olgii PCV's, the Hovd PCV's, and some Swiss and Korean volunteers who live in Hovd as well. We even had enough for a leftover brunch the following morning.

On Sunday we found a ride home and hoped it wouldn't be as crazy as the ride there. Surprisingly we managed to leave around 3:00 and were making good time up until we came to a rest stop for food and jeep maintenance. We stayed there for over an hour and when we left, we hit some areas of the road where the snow was really deep. We got stuck once and had to push the jeep back to get a better route up a snow packed hill and after multiple stops to help other drivers, we made it to Olgii a little after 11:00. Eight hours or so isn't bad compared the 23 hours it took us to get to Hovd. :)

Anyways, we're able to hold lessons again and school is back in session for 7th grade and up. I had a lesson with my 7th grade English club yesterday and it was really nice to see their smiling faces, even if some were hidden behind flu masks. I'm still waiting to hear back about my grant applications and I am hoping to have a couple meetings with the student council this week about more projects. December 1st is 'World AIDS Day' so us Olgii PCV's are gonna try and get a seminar or some type of presentation together before then. I'm going to print out some of the HIV/AIDS information flyers that Peace Corps provided us with and take them to all of the schools before the end of the week. I'm going to get the rest of my Hovd pictures uploaded onto Flickr asap. Above two pics are random shots from around Hovd and the third is our Thanksgiving feast. Hope all is well. :-)

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