Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Birthday weekend, etc.

This past weekend Laura, Rike and I went to Hovd to visit the Peace Corps volunteers there and celebrate my birthday (May 17th) and Rike's birthday(May 18th). We left on Friday afternoon and got in late that night. The drive was absolutely beautiful. The countryside between Olgii and Hovd is just amazing. My camera's pics do not do it justice. On Saturday we helped a couple PCV's out with a small project and then had a picnic by the river. We ate stir fry/lettuce wraps, played softball, threw a frisbee around and just had a good time enjoying the amazing weather. That night we went out partying and dancing and had a blast. On Sunday a few of us went on a really good hike just outside the city. The hike involved a lot of problem solving/rock climbing and was really fun and challenging.

I added two more picture albums and there are almost 120 new pics from Olgii and Hovd. I will put up some more pictures as soon as I get them uploaded.

In the meanwhile, here's a few more pics of my students and I from last week.
First pic (left to right): Abdullah, Bakhai, Muhammad, Akjol, Erku, Erdos, Allazi, Janbubi, and Kunnur.

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