Thursday, October 29, 2009

Winter is Coming *shivering*

Winter appears to have made its way back to Mongolia or is at least right around the corner. The temperatures have been dropping, the days are getting shorter and negative 40 degree temperatures are coming. In addition, to make the impending winter more exciting, the H1N1 'epidemic' appears to have caused a bit of chaos in Mongolia. School was cancelled this week and has been cancelled for next week. I wasn't allowed to conduct any of my classes at the children's center this week and since there is no school next week as well, I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to teach. In other work related adventures, I'm attempting to reformat one of the work computers at the moment. I backed up all the documents, pictures, etc. today and I'm hoping to reformat and set the computer up with antivirus, antispyware, etc. that my mom gave me a while back. I think one thing I need to do before I leave next year is have a few sessions showing my coworkers how to keep the computers updated and protected.

I purchased my ticket to Thailand for my vacation trip in December. I'm really excited about that, only two months away.

Not a whole lot going on right now to discuss but I added a few new pics to my Flickr account. I just realized I didn't upload more pictures from the eagle festival so I'll try and get that done soon.


Megan said...

Hi! I'm a PC nominee, and I stumbled across your blog via the PeaceCorpsJournal website. Interesting stuff. I live in upstate NY, so I thought I had a clue about cold ... clearly not. What do you *do* when it's 40 below outside? Can you even leave the house without your eyelids freezing shut?

Matt said...

Hey Megan. When it's -40 out you just bundle up and try to spend as little time outside as possible. :) It's pretty cold here in the winter but you learn to adapt for the cold months. I've never had my eyelids freeze shut but I try not to stand outside for long periods of time, especially at night. Good luck with PC.