Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good News from Agii and Aiman!

I'm very happy to let everyone know that I received good news in my last few email exchanges with Agii, regarding his sister Aiman's brain tumor and surgery. I should have posted this earlier but I've been distracted by friends, family and the greatness that is Colorado for the past few days.

Agii informed me that Aiman's surgery was a success, with the doctors removing 98 percent of the tumor and discovering that it's benign so no gamma knife surgery is needed. She is having trouble swallowing food and speaking but is recovering as expected and should be back to normal within the next month or so. Because of the money we raised and help from Laura and Scott, Agii didn't have to sell his home, his jeep or his business property to pay for the costs and has informed me that he is back to his normal routine of teaching. A huge thanks from Agii and myself to everyone who contributed and offered support and also to Travis Hellstrom, who made the whole process much easier by being one of the kindest and most supportive, helpful people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

I will update again in the not too distant future. I'm currently house sitting, trying to catch up with friends and family, and looking for a job.

1 comment:

Hanna said...

Wonderful, babe! Glad things worked out and you did so much to make it possible. <3